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Morocco : the remarkable rise of a leading African tourist destination
In recent years, Morocco has witnessed an extraordinary surge in its tourism sector, cementing its status as a...
From the Far East to the Middle East : the foreign workers rebuilding the region
Leave to return stronger. Indians, Filipinos, Yemenis, and Ethiopians : many workers from precarious countries ...
Syria of tomorrow : What if we dared to believe ?
Nearly fourteen years after the popular uprising of 2011, Syria is rolling the dice on its history once again ...
In Casablanca, Prince Moulay El Hassan inaugurates Africa's largest desalination plant
On June 10, 2024, Crown Prince Moulay El Hassan inaugurated the construction of ...
For the love of the world: a bicycle trip from Brittany to Teheran
It's early 2021 when 23-year-old Isabel Del Real decides to embark on the journey of ...
Who is Sarah Idan ? The Miss Iraq who paraded on all fronts
Her silky hair framing her fiery gaze, Sarah has never faltered under the weight of the ...
Iranian hearts soar to the rhythm of the dances
In Iran, the tradition of dance dates back to the pre-Achaemenid era, with archaeological evidence dating from ...
United Arab Emirates: the new Eldorado for millionaires?
In just a few years, the United Arab Emirates has positioned itself as one of the most attractive countries for ...
Fasting practices across religions: tradition and spirituality
Fasting has long been a fundamental spiritual practice across numerous global religions ...
Iran faces its destiny to elect its next president
May 19, 2024, the world holds its breath. Ebrahim Raissi, Iran's 63-year-old president, had just died in a...
Saudi Arabia stands as a pioneer of Esports in the Middle East
Once again, Saudi Arabia has surprised the world by committing to hosting an annual esport World Cup in the ...
Semitic languages : Heritage of Humanity
Semitic languages reflect the history of mankind. Born in Africa and the Near East, the cradlesof the human race...
The emergence of Gulf higher education institutions as world leaders
As the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries strive to become a knowledge and economic powerhouse, investing in
Democracy for a new world
In 2024, over 4 billion people will vote in 68 different countries. This year marks an unprecedented moment in ...
Abrahamic Family House in Abu Dhabi : the Emirates commit to religious tolerance and coexistence
One of the virtuous outcomes of the Abraham Accords is undoubtedly the openness to minority faiths in the Gulf...
Sport in the Middle East: from an expression of identity to a vector for normalizing relations
On January 31, 2024, at the close of the Qatar Fencing Championship, Israeli Yuval Freilich won the gold medal.
The art of rebellion
One year after the assassination of Mahsa Amini by the security forces, the Iranian people's thirst for justice...
Christmas, a holiday that brings people together in the Middle East
An unmissable event at the end of each year, Christmas is celebrated in most of the Christian world on the night...
Coffee, a symbol of social change in the Middle East
According to the Thousand and One Nights, the coffee bean was discovered in Abyssinia, but its commercialization..
Gulf Twin Sisters
One month after the signing of the Abraham Accords, the Gulf-Israel Women's Forum held a ground-breaking conference
COP 28 in Dubai: the United Arab Emirates, environmental leader in the Middle East
The 28th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on ClimateChange (UNFCCC), or COP28..
The Detours of Babel
Today, is the sin of pride that led men to build the legendary Tower of Babel at work once again...
What a Bazaar !
For the central government is now losing an indispensable source of support — the bazaars.
Twice in two years
Above, a sign: "products from Israel". In this grocery store, the Abraham Accords are bearing fruit.
Soccer Diplomacy
The World Cup was the talk of the town. Whether you were...
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