The universal love of Rûmi and Shams, a new perspective on our world

In a world where conflict, crisis and suffering seem to dominate the news, Elif Shafak's Sufi, mon amour offers us a totally different perspective. Through the story of Rûmi, a renowned erudite, and Shams of Tabriz, a dervish wanderer, this novel invites us on a spiritual and philosophical journey where love becomes the only true path. This path of love, though fraught with pitfalls, is the possibility of moving forward, step by step, from darkness to light.

A friendship can change everything

The novel is first and foremost the story of an encounter sealed by fate, as if, as Diderot wrote, “everything was written up there”. Rûmi, recognized by all as a respected scholar, is locked into his spiritual routine. Shams, on the other hand, is a mystical dervish with an unpredictable, free spirit. This wonderful friendship will change not only their own lives, but also those of everyone around them. Shams appears as a mirror of truth, without compromise or artifice. Through his teachings, he inspires Rûmi to abandon his dogmas and embrace the essence of something free and unstructured: divine love. Like all friendships, the intensity of light can also be a source of tension. Shams' iconoclastic nature attracts admiration and hostility in equal measure. Nevertheless, through this relationship, Shafak is keen to illustrate how friendship, when genuine, can profoundly change us.

The teaching of love

If love is true, isn't it naturally unique to each individual and therefore unnecessary to teach? The question certainly arises. 

Nevertheless, the teachings transmitted by Shams of Tabriz in Sufi, My Love, through the “40 Rules of Love”, run like a thread through the novel. These precepts guide the characters and offer the reader a reflection on the profound nature of love and spirituality. Here, for example, are two striking teachings :

The first reminds us: “Don't look for love anywhere but in your own heart. If you have found it there, it is everywhere. If you haven't found it there, it's nowhere.” We also understand that love is not an external quest, but an intimate, self-realization. Shams invites us to discover this inexhaustible source of love within ourselves. Only then can love become a prism through which we can see and understand the whole world. 

Finally : “Love is not about race, religion or social status.”  This precept calls for total openness, embracing humanity in all its diversity. In a world sometimes fragmented by prejudice and division, this rule acts as a powerful reminder that love transcends divides. 

Love can change our world

In a mutating world context, Sufi, mon amour invites us to think about how we navigate our minds in the world. The Middle East, the birthplace of humanity, is transforming before our very eyes, seeking to reshape its identity amidst tensions and hopes. African countries, having emerged from the ravages of colonization, are still searching for stability and unity. Meanwhile, the world order wavers between the growing tensions between the United States and China, redrawing economic and geopolitical balances. Meanwhile, the concentration of power in the hands of a few economic elites is shaping a world where decisions are guided by dogma and self-interest. 

However, in the wake of these colossal challenges, Sufi, my love offers a glimmer of hope and reminds us that humanity still has an invaluable lifeline: universal love. This thread, forged by values such as compassion, tolerance and openness, is what can guide individuals and nations towards coexistence and shared prosperity. Innovation, diplomacy, trade and technology are important levers for building integrated, prosperous societies, but they must be anchored in a common value structure. 

The message of Shams and Rûmi is fundamental: love is not just an emotion or an abstract ideal, but a living force, capable of transcending religious, cultural and political boundaries. By embracing this philosophy, we can not only heal the wounds of the past, but also build a future where differences enhance rather than divide.

Sources :ûmi/d50363-181068P5


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